Questions You Should Ask When you walk into daycare for the first time, You have very few questions in your mind to select a good daycare. Though these are many questions you can put through daycare service provider on your first visit, I am mentioning here some essential ones, excluding fee, as it varies from Continue reading
How to start a daycare?
How to start a daycare from scratch You can start a daycare by following the guidelines given here. If you have job experience, all you need is money or an investor. If you are a fresher, then I recommend a six-month daycare training session or a full-time job in a good daycare. There are a Continue reading
Health Policy of Day Care
Make Health Policy for Daycare
Role of the Daycare Staff Members
Responsibilities of Daycare Staff Common job description of daycare staff Monitor the attendance of children regularly in daycare in the morning and evening. And in case of any irregularity, contact the supervisor. Organize and carry out age-appropriate developmental activities as per schedule. Keep track of each child’s developmental milestones. In case a child is with Continue reading
Role of the in-charge or Manager
Role of Daycare Manager Daycare supervisors are in charge of overseeing all operations in a childcare facility. Their typical duties include employee management and training, parent meetings, regulation compliance, and educational program development. She should also have Leadership and management skills. Daycare Supervisors are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of children in childcare Continue reading
Nutrition practices in daycare
Daycare Meals